Fashionable slip-on espadrilles are the perfect shoe for the spring and summer season. Made of textile material with stitching on the tip. On the back of the upper there is a decorative loop made of e
Tento model má svršek z měkkého materiálu, díky kterému jsou opravdu pohodlné. Jsou ideální pro školní hry nebo hry venku. Materiálová stélka perfektně sedne na nohu. Nazouvací model s imitací tkaniče
Unique Big Star slippers. They were made of wool felt. A decorative motif on the front characterizes this model. Slippers built into the platform. The insole in these slippers is additionally insulate
Unique Big Star slippers. They were made of wool felt. A decorative motif on the front characterizes this model. Slippers built into the platform. The insole in these slippers is additionally insulate
Unique Big Star slippers. They were made of wool felt. A decorative motif on the front characterizes this model. Slippers built into the platform. The insole in these slippers is additionally insulate
Unique Big Star slippers. They were made of wool felt. A decorative motif on the front characterizes this model. Slippers built into the platform. The insole in these slippers is additionally insulate
Big Star children's sneakers are made of textile material. Created primarily for the comfort of the child when using them. Sneakers have a rubbery, reinforced nose. The model is characterized by elast
Big Star children's sneakers are made of textile material. Created primarily for the comfort of the child when using them. Sneakers have a rubbery, reinforced nose. The model is characterized by elast
Big Star children's sneakers are made of textile material. Created primarily for the comfort of the child when using them. Sneakers have a rubbery, reinforced nose. The model is characterized by elast
The iconic Big Star children's sneakers are made of textile material. They have a rubber, reinforced tip. The model is characterized by logged elastic bands imitating laces. The sole with the platform
A cipő belseje vastag ökoszőrmével van szigetelve. A felső rész teljes egészében textilanyagból készült.A méret kiválasztásakor kérjük, használja a mérettáblázatot. 36-23,5/37-24/38-24,5/39-25,5/25,5/
- ökö bőrből készült - Csúszásmentes talp, amely minden felületen garantálja a kényelmet.- A kényelmes tornacipő ideális a munkához és a városon kívüli kiránduláshoz.- Klasszikus design kényelemmel ko