Investing in property is the largest single financial transaction anyone will make. Property buyers usually concentrate their research on online search engines, looking at glossy photos of beautifully staged homes. Instead, they would be better off working out how much they will need to borrow, how they should structure their loan and who would be the best lender. Author and personal finance expert, Stuart Wemyss, admits that finding the right loan is a bit like a game of snakes and ladders. You run up the ladder when you think you've found the lowest interest rate, only to slide down the snake when you realise the fees are high and conditions are stringent. "Interest is the single largest lifetime expense for investors" says Stuart. "The amount of borrowings investors carry affects their net worth and their cash flow and can make or break their retirement goals. Getting their borrowing right and structuring their investments correctly can save a considerable amount of money - often thousands of dollars per year."To make sure you get your borrowing right, Stuart explains the Rules of the Lending Game in this fascinating book. It contains invaluable information on: Choosing the right loan products Calculating how much to borrow and how to reduce the overall cost Structuring loans to manage cash flow and create wealth Making the most of your equity.
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Jan 2, 2022