Details how Newmont Mining revolutionized the gold mining industry and remains the second largest gold miner in the world Jack H. Morris asserts that Newmont is the link between early gold mining and todayâs technology-driven industry. We learn how the companyâs founder and several early leaders grew up in gold camps and how, in 1917, the company helped finance South Africaâs largest gold company and later owned famous gold mines in California and Colorado. In the 1960s the company developed the process to capture âinvisible goldâ from small distributions of the metal in large quantities of rock, thereby opening up the rich gold field at Carlin, Nevada. Modern gold mining has all the excitement and historic significance of the metalâs colorful past. Instead of panning for ready nuggets, todayâs corporate miners must face heavy odds by extracting value from ores containing as little as one-hundredth of an ounce per ton. In often-remote locations, where the capital cost of a new mine can top $2 billion, 250-ton trucks crawl from half mile deep pits and ascend, beetle-like, loaded with ore for extraction of the minute quantities of gold locked inside. Morris had unique access to company records and the cooperation of more than 80 executives and employees of the firm, but the company exercised no control over content. The author tells a story of discovery and scientific breakthrough; strong-willed, flamboyant leaders like founder Boyce Thompson; corporate raiders such as T. Boone Pickens and Jimmy Goldsmith; shakedowns by the Indonesian government and monumental battles with the French over the richest mine in Peru; and learning to operate in the present environmental regulatory climate. This is a fascinating story of the metal that has ignited passions for centuries and now sells for over $1,000 an ounce.
Price history
Jun 28, 2022
Jan 22, 2022