Overview The 7 0 enhanced Nextion HMI resistive capacitive touch display with an enclosure Nextion screen is an upgraded LCD panel with more powerful features There are two models NX8048K070 011C and the NX8048K070 011R The NX8048K070 011C is a powerful 7 0 HMI TFT capacitive multi touch display with enclosure while the NX8048K070 011R is resistive touch panel with an enclosure Both integrate with 32MB Flash data storage space 1024 byte EEPROM 8192 byte RAM and with GPIO supported What Can Nextion Do During the process of embedded system design one of the most annoying time consuming things is the human machine interface design You need a slick chart or slick graph quick page designs you need resources stored for quick processing you will find the answer inside the amazing Nextion Products Line Nextion is optimized to meet your specific human machine interface needs using open and standardized interfaces in hardware and software which allows efficient integration into your automation systems Man machine systems Visualization Humans Interaction Cognition Visual perception Machine intelligence Cybernetics even robotics are just a few examples where HMI concepts play an important role What Value Can Nextion Bring As an embedded engineer do you remember those old days when you design the human machine interface for an embedded system You have to spend weeks in low level design Nextion is designed to work with minimal design effort as all of the data an
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Jul 30, 2022
Jun 16, 2022
Apr 18, 2022