Manual Click here to openNote For the DIY kit the user needs to have basic electronic knowledge please check the manual before purchasing to make sure it can be used Please purchase carefully to avoid unnecessary disputes Thanks Description The weather station uses the ESP8266 12E to obtain data from the Internet time of a city weather data and forecast information for the next 3 days scrolling on the SSD1306 OLED Display the device can switch to display data from any city in the world maybe your relatives or friends live thereThe device uses sensors DHT11 BMP180 BH1750FVI to collect temperature humidity Atmosphetic Pressure and light data The weather station reads data indoor via sensor every 5 seconds and uploads it to the Internet every 60 seconds You can see real time data charts from your phone or computer Of course you can modify the code to implement different functionsESP8266 CP2102 chip inside Micro USB 4MB flash full I O port and wireless 802 11 supported with IOT platform DHT11 Sensor A digital signal output with a calibrated temperature and humidity combined sensor The simple communication protocol greatly reduces the programming effort requiredBMP180 high precision small size ultra low power 3μA pressure sensor Its performance excellence the absolute accuracy of the lowest can reach 0 03hPa Can directly through the I2C bus connected with a variety of microprocessors Pressure range 300 1100hPa BH1750FVI Digital Light intensity Sensor Dire
Price history
Apr 18, 2022