Feature Frequency Range 868 915 MHzSensitivity up to 148dBm LoraReceive power consumption7 mAMaximum output power 33dBm 2w 6VData transfer rate 0 018 62 5 KbpsPacket engine up to 256 bytes with FIFO and CRCModulation mode Lora TM G FSKPins VCC Power SupplyGND Power GroundNC HangingNRESET Reset trigger inputBUSY For status indication see chip informationNSS SPI chip select inputGND Power InputSCK SPI ClockMISO SPI data outputMOSI SPI data inputDIO1 Digital I O customizableDIO3 Digital I O customizableGND Power groundANT 50 ohm coaxial antennaPackage Included 1 LoRa Module
Price history
Apr 18, 2022