Feature Camera OV2640Camera Resolution 2MegapixelType Normal Lengthened Normal Fisheye lens Lengthened fisheye lens Optional Size 21 77 x 12 61 x 4 28mm 74 91 x 12 61 x 4 28mmCamera Seat 8 54mm 24pinArray SizeUXGA1600 x 1200Power SupplyCore1 2VDC 5 Analog2 5 3 0VDCI O1 7V to 3 3VPower RequirementsActive125 mW for 15 fps UXGA YUV mode 140 mW for 15 fps UXGA compressed mode Standby600 µATemperatureOperation 30°C to 70°CRangeStable Image0°C to 50°COutput Formats 8 bit YUV 422 420 YCbCr422 RGB565 555 8 bit compressed data 8 10 bit RGB dataLens Size1 4 Chief Ray Angle25° non linearMaximumUXGA SXGA15 fpsImageSVGA30 fpsTransfer RateCIF60 fpsSensitivity0 6 V Lux secS N Ratio40 dBDynamic Range50 dBScan ModeProgressiveMaximum Exposure Interval1247 x tROWGamma CorrectionProgrammablePixel Size2 2 µm x 2 2 µmDark Current15 mV s at 60°CWell Capacity12 KeFixed Pattern Noise1 of VPEAK TO PEAKImage Area3590 µm x 2684 µmPackage Dimensions5725 µm x 6285 µmPackage includes 1 x Camera
Price history
Sep 22, 2022
Sep 4, 2022
Apr 18, 2022