Pixhawk PPZ/MK/MWC/ PPM Encoder Board Decoder for RC Receiver Flight Controller

Description The PPM Encoder plugs into the PWM servo output ports of any R Creceiver and encodes them into a PPM pulse suitable for many autopilots e g Pixhawk Modifications to the R C receiver are not necessary The whole project is based around the AVR processor andall timing is done within interrupts so accuracy and stability isoptimized The whole project is based around the ATMEGA328p AVR processor and all timing is done within interrupts so accuracy and stability are optimized Firmware is free and was created by John Arne and Olivier Adler Acknowledgments diydrones community John Arne and Olivier Adler The design of the PPM Encoder is based on the Paperazzi PPM Encoder Important Note The firmware comes pre configured to read 8 Channels Incase you would like to change the settings of the PPM encoder to invertthe PPM signal and change the fail safe pre defined values you will needan AVR ISP programmer in order to reprogram it The jumper on the board no soldering default In this case the boardpowered by FCSpecification Dimension mm 26 x 18 x 4Weight g 8 include all wire Output PPM SUM 1 MUX 1Color Green Package included 1x PPM Encoder Black 1x 10 Pin input cable 60mm1x 4 Pin output cable 100mm

Price history

Apr 18, 2022

