Dynam Gloster Meteor F 8 Meteor 1270mm Winspan Dual 70mm 6S 12 Blades Ducted EDF Jet EPO RC Airplane PNPAs the first British jet fighter and the Allies only jet aircraft to achieve combat operations during the WWⅡ Gloster Meteor has the special historical significance This fighter with twin engine and low wing design was produced by Gloster Aircraft Company Besides the RAF Several other operator such as Australia Argentina Canada and Israel flew Meteor It was deployed against the V1 Buzzbombs and flew armed reconnaissance and ground attack operations and etc The Gloster Meteor became the backbone of RAF fighter command in its F4 and F8 until the advent of swept wing aircraft Description Brand DynamModel Gloster Meteor F 8Material EPO FoamWing Span 1270mm 50in Flying Weight 2690g 94 88oz Wing Loading 66 4g dm² Fuselage Length 1510mm 59 4in CG 125 130mm from the leading edge at the wing rootMotor TOMCAT 2827 KV2600ESC TC Skylord 80A ESCPropeller Servo 9g x 7 pcsElevator YesRudder YesAilerons YesFlaps YesLanding Gear Electronic RetractsEDF 12 blade 70mmFloats N AAppr Assembly Time 0 5 hourAircraft Type Jet EDFPilot Level professionalAppr Flight Time 5minRequired Parts not included Tx Requirement 6 Channel or above transmitter Click hereRx Requirement 6 Channel receiver Click hereLi Po Battery 14 8V 4500mAh 35CFeatures 1510mm fuselage length has excellent performance and better wind resistance Detachable wing and fuselage make it
Price history
Apr 18, 2022