Description The EMF Meter is a compact and easy to use Magnetic Field strength meter The EMF Meter can be used indoors or outdoors for measuring any electric device or power lines Features 1 Instantly respond to EMF fluctuations and spikes Need 9V battery 2 Easy to read LED lights in the dark and in the sun3 Portable easy to use rugged reliable super responsive4 UV reactive color label5 Used for ultra normal wave research and general EMF testingSpecification Material ABSDetection Range 0 to 20 milliGaussDetection Frequency 50 60 Hz 50 to 1000 Hz ELF 1000 to 20 000 Hz VLF Accuracy 5 typical Operating Temperature 0 120°F 18 49℃ Battery Requirements 9 V batterySizeWeight 5 75 L x 2 25 W x 1 H 6 ouncesColor Blue BlackThere are 5 LED s each represents a field strength range as follows Green Normal zone Normal background Magnetic Field0 to1 5 milliGaussGreen Low zone Low Level Magnetic Field1 5to 2 5 milliGaussYellow Caution zone Mid Level Magnetic Field2 5to 10 milliGaussOrange high zone high Level Magnetic Field10to 20 milliGaussRed Warning zone Extremely high Magnetic Field20 milliGaussOperation 1 Hold the EMF METER with your thumb on the switch2 Point it toward the EMF source then depress and hold down the switch a short flash of the LED s will occur 3 The LED will indicate the range of the EMF at that level4 Moving the device from side to side or rotating it may change the reading the highest reading is most a
Price history
May 1, 2022