RSH-MC14 2PCS Switchbot Curtain Electric Motor Tuya Smart Curtains Wireless Automatic Curtain Opener Inner Groove Rail W

Description1 Open and close curtains regularly2 Tuya APP control3 Control the curtain to be fully open half open or close4 Luminosity sensor automatically closes when the luminosity is greater than the setting 5 Temperature sensor automatically closed when the temperature is greater than the set temperature 6 Support single opening or double opening double opening requires the purchase of a package 7 Support remote control need to be equipped with a gateway 8 Support third party smart speakers Alexa and Google Assistant Make Your Curtain Smart in SecondsThis Tuya Smart Curtain Switch is a small wireless robot that makes any curtains motorized and smart with a 30 second installation without any screws nuts or bolts With easy set up we help you to create a comfortable home with innovative smart home products This Curtain Switch is coming to retrofit your existing curtains By one step attach it to tracks transform your existing curtains to smart ones After attaching to your curtain you can then open and close your curtain with your smartphone Or just set a schedule to automatically open or close the curtain Support Inner Groove Rail CurtainMake sure your Inner Groove Rail track meets the dimension requirement Please be aware that the current version of Rod type this Curtain Robot is not compatible with the Telescoping Rod Fit for Single OpenDouble Open CurtainYou could get two units and part the double sided curtains from the middle to open and close

Price history

May 6, 2022

