FNIRSI 1013D 7-inch Digital 2 Channels Tablet Oscilloscope 100M Bandwidth 1GS/s Sampling Rate 800x480 Resolution Capacit

Description FNIRSI 1013D is a full featured highly practical cost effective dual channel flat panel oscilloscope launched by FNIRSI for the maintenance and RD industry this oscilloscope has a real time sampling rate of 1GSa s and an analog bandwidth of 100MHz 2 With complete trigger function single normal automatic it can be used freely for periodic analog signals or non periodic digital signals the built in high voltage protection module can tolerate a continuous voltage of up to 400V Features 1 Intelligent anti burn 1X Can withstand up to 400V withstand voltage2 100MHz analog bandwidth 1GSa s sampling rate 1X 5MHz 10X 100MHz 3 Fully fit 7 inch 800 480 resolution color TFT LCD display with bright colors and high contrast4 Capacitive touch screen the same as the touch mode of modern mobile is not a resistive touch screen with ancient nail operation5 High measurement voltage range 1X can measure 0 40 V 10X can measure 0 400V 100X can measure 0 4000V6 Up to 12 parameters measurement VPP VP Vmax Vmin Vavg Vrms Frequent Duty Duty Time Time Period7 Cursor measurement function it is convenient to manually measure the period and frequency and voltage8 Complete triggering function single normal automatic 9 At any time the waveform display suspend function is frozen10 Equipped with high efficiency One button AUTO11 One button waveform storage and screenshot12 Built in 1GB storage space can store up to 1000 screenshots 1000 sets of wa

Price history

Jun 19, 2022
May 26, 2022
May 13, 2022
