Gleaned from more than sixty years of Daisaku Ikeda's works, thisrevised edition adds new selections that further provide a windowinto the SGI president's thought and philosophy. His words are aboundless source of inspiration, hope, and courage for a worldincreasingly beset with sorrow and suffering.Chapters in this volume:âWhat Is True Happiness?ââDeveloping a Life State of HappinessââThe Practice for Transforming Our State of Lifeââ‘It Is the Heart That Is Important'ââTransforming Suffering Into JoyââThe Principle of Cherry, Plum, Peach, and DamsonââHappiness for Both Ourselves and OthersââFacing IllnessââCreating a Brilliant Final Chapter in LifeââJoy in Both Life and Deathâ
Price history
May 23, 2022