Description Basic informationType Stunt carScale 1 12Color Green and redMax Speed 25km h low speed 30km h high speed Power SystemMotor Brushed motorTransmitterFrequency 2 4GChannel 2CHRemote Distance 40 50mRequired Battery 4X 1 5V AA battery not included Water Control Required Battery 2X AAA battery not included BatteryBattery for the Car 7 4V 1200mAh Li ion battery included Battery Charging Time About 2 hoursBattery Using Time Approx 40 45 minutesOthersMaterial Plastic Electronic componentsDimensionCar Size 29 19 3 10 5cmBox Size 38 24 13cm Features Lateral drift Do whatever you want cool and fun Powerful four wheel drive output Strong torque and full power Excellent performance driving expert adapt various road conditions Stunt rotation press the left and right control levers of the remote control to rotate Gradual change breathing car body light with dynamic music dazzle in the dark and experience different remote control driving Using 2 4GHz high frequency technology the remote control is more stable and the multi person competition does not interfere with each other Package Included 1X RC Car1X Battery1X Remote Controller1X USB Charging Cable1X Manual
Price history
Jun 12, 2022