Project and Program Management

Choosing the right people tocarry out a project is essential to its success. When multiple projects arecombined into a complex program, the human aspect becomes even more important.This book is the first to truly balance a complete account of the technicalaspects of project and program management with a practical approach tounderstanding and developing the core competencies required to accomplishdesired goals. On the technical side, this bookis a complete introduction to predicting costs, setting schedules, andassessing risks. On the people side, it sheds new light on how to molddifferent personality types into a team, how to motivate the team's members, andhow to produce extraordinary results. The author details the essential parts ofthe program management approach, describing the best way to define, organize,and schedule the work to be done, identifying risks and controlling costsduring the whole process. This fourth edition hasbeen significantly revised, with every chapter updated. The volume considersthe magnitude of recent social, political, and technological changes, and theimpact is represented throughout this book. Included are insights from numerousstudents who bring to the forefront their current real-world practices fromtheir individual businesses, industries, and disciplines.

Price history

Jun 14, 2022
