Description BALA2Fire is short for Balance as its name suggests it is the second generation of M5Stack balancing robot series BALA2Fire is a Self Balancing Robot consisting of M5Stack Fire and two wheels DC motors The base uses STM32F030C8T6 as the main control and has a two way encoding motor driver and built in 1200mAh battery This robotics product comes with preloaded software A self balancing robot application which balances the robot vertically using a closed loop algorithm You can program it to automatically move around through programming or you can combine Wi Fi to develop remote control functions This Robot is controllable by a Smartphone device or a Transmitter The BALA2 base contains a wealth of interfaces In addition to the conventional PortB and PortC it also supports 8 channel servos of which 4 channels can be directly connected and the remaining 4 channels need to be connected from the inside of the base Even if you have never attempted such a balancing robot program you can quickly get the hang of it and control it through UIFlow The self balancing robot uses data from the Accelerometer and Gyroscope to correct its orientation and position The 2 DC driver module communicates with M5Stack Fire through I2C 0x3A Caution While using PSRAM you cannot use PortCProduct Features 6 DOF IMUTwo wheel drive PID control balanceGrove extension ports8 channel servo drive 4 channel external connection 4 channel built inSupport Wi Fi programmableBuilt in
Price history
Aug 8, 2022