Six Years in India (Or, Sketches of India and Its People, as Seen by a Lady Missionary)

The book consists of series of letters written by the author to her mother. These letters have been prepared for publication in the hope that they might give some items of information in regard to people of whom little is known, but towards whom, at the present time, the attention of the Christian world is directed. If these letters shall in any degree contribute to increase the interest felt in the missionary work, they will not have been written in vain. Through this work, the author has merely aimed to relate her own every day experience, thinking that she could give a correct idea of their work in India. In this work, she states that it is a blessed privilege to go to the regions beyond, to be pioneers in the work of evangelization; but those that go need to be girt with the “armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left.”

Price history

Aug 20, 2022
