This Gazetteer dwells upon thecontemporary British period first handinformation on the erstwhile Champarandistrict in Bengal. It was first written in1907.This enriches us with the officialrecords and provides a wealth of materialon all aspects of the Champaran district.This also provides detailed informationabout the inhabitants, customs, religiousrites and rituals, festivals and indeedevery-thing concerning them. This worktraces panoramic view of Champarandistrict of Bengal providing elaborativeaccount of its physical aspects people andtheir life besides public health, economiccondition, agriculture, trade as well asindustries. Natural calamities means ofcommunication land revenue andgeneral administration local self-government including educational stateshave also been described. This book isgold-mine encompassing all aspects ofthe contemporary Social, Political,Ec onomic, Historical, andAdministrative aspects of the Indigo-cultivation rich Champaran districtduring the Raj. This reprint provides anexcellent reference tool to researchers,readers, and all users in all disciplines. Weare sure the present book will prove to bevery handy for our valuable readers.
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Aug 20, 2022