The district of Bhagalpur is situated inthe central part. Bhagalpur is theheadquarters of Bhagalpur division asalso of the district of Sadar Subdivision,having 3 Sub divisions viz. Naugachia,Bhagalpur Sadar and Khelgaon in thedistrict. The district of Bhagalpur aspresently constituted comprised the botheastern part of the Subah (State) of Biharin the Moghul times. In the year 1991Banka sub division of disctrict Bhagalpurbeing puerly artifical, no correctedaccount of the territory that now bearsthis name can be expected howeveraccording to the District Gazetteer of theBhagalpur 1962. Buchaman hasobserved in his journal that the name issaid to have been given by the Moghulofficers who colleced a number of fugitiesand defended them in the plains from thevoilence and depredations of the disorderly chiefs of the interior. According to traditions preserved the epics and puranas and descendancy Anu the grandson of Manu founded the Anava Kingdom was devided among the five sons of king Bali known as Anga Vanga, Kalinga, Pundia, and Sumitha.
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Aug 20, 2022