Developmental Transformation of Urban India (JNNURM Showcase in the South)

The socio-ceonomie-polilical milieu of (he urban areas in (he country has undergone transformation air a mammoth scale in the recent decades especially in the years after the introduction of economic reforms. JNMJRM was initiated in 2005 as a response to the late realisation by the Government of India that the haphazard and unsustainable growth of our urban areas crippled with poor infrastnictural amenities and highly inefficient modes of governance mechanisms will prove to be very dear for the economic growth of the country in future. Taking account of the large scale of the Mission, the present study attempts to examine the pattern of progress of cities/states under the Mission and the extent to which the Mission succeeded in achieving its goals. The case studies of the Mission cities i.e. Kochi and Thiruvananihapuram give the detailed analysis of the ground realities about the M ission projects and the challenges laced in various stages of Mission implementation. Besides, the author suggests policy initiatives through which the functioning of iliac Mission can be improved.

Price history

Aug 20, 2022
