Preschoolers at Play

Playing Is Learning The research is clear: Play is acritical part of the learning process for young children. Early childhoodeducators have the opportunity to deeply and meaningfully scaffold children’slearning by curating and organizing the “stuff” children love to play withmost. With this book, discover ideas for both familiar and new play materialsand how those materials support the cognitive, social and emotional, andphysical learning and development of children ages 3 to 5. This practical, easy-to-read resource · Presentsfoundational information organized around the who, why, how, and what of usingplay materials to support preschoolers’ learning and development · Providessuggestions for play materials and describes why they are useful for differentaspects related to each learning and development domain · Offersactivity ideas as well as examples of questions to ask and comments to makethat can extend children’s understanding as they engage in play · Includestips for developmentally appropriate ways to embed technology in children’splay · Recommendsmore than 90 children’s books that go hand-in-hand with each learning anddevelopment domain Be inspired to take a look at your earlylearning setting through fresh eyes and enhance the quality of your program byproviding play materials and experiences that nurture the learning,development, and well-being of each preschooler you teach.

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Sep 7, 2022
