Not too many people leave this world untouched by the unforeseen elements of life. It is a struggle between good versus evil, love versus hate and the loneliness that can be in our hearts even though we are surrounded by family and loved ones. The book deals with what humans have in common with the earth and the everlasting storms of life. It deals with the need to be loved and wanted and to be able to dream until our hearts content. No matter what we dream about it is okay to grab the world by the tail and reap the rewards that we so desire; even if we have to weather the storms, we have the ability to surviveâbecause there is always a storm on the horizon followed by serenity and calmness. The CYCLE OF LIFE crosses all boundaries, which all people can relate to having experienced the love, the pleasure, the pain, the fear, the sadnessâand they will relate to the messages of the struggles that are entangled in these poems. This book of poetry deals with everyday life and how uncertain it can be as far as people coping with issues of lost love, hard times, depression, loss of loved ones, drug addiction, loneliness, and the struggles of making it through an uncertain and sometimes complicated world. Life is like the weather, ever changing. Thunderstorms one day and beautiful days the next day, always enter weaving in and out of human life. You the reader will be able to recognize and realize that these poems could be about you.
Price history
Sep 7, 2022