This book is based on our most recent investigations revealing the complexity of the determinants of burn out in different populations at risk (health care professions, teachers, social workers etc.). Based on our empirical study we have developed a model of vulnerability to burn out which explains it as a specific complementary interaction between certain personality profile and the psychological climate at work place. In the course of evaluation there have been employed different inventories which are now validated as an assessment battery in about 300 subjects. Temperament and Character Inventory (revised) has been exclusively standardized for Bulgarian population as well Although burn out syndrome (BOS) is thoroughly discussed in modern literature, the present proposal is unique in the following aspects:It emphasizes the role of personality profiling understood as complementary construct to the dimensional measures of psychological climate. In this way the authors challenge traditional views of BOS as systematic phenomenonThis book aims at establishment of the vulnerability to BOS (proneness) as well as to revealing of the protective factors and therefore to underpin early diagnosis and prevention programs.Our book brings together several perspectives: the clinical (psychological and psychopathological) with the management perspective. In this way it is most suitable for both general and specialized audience, including health care managers and mental health professionals, such as trainees in psychiatryThis book consist of entirely original investigation of BOS in specific populations at risk with novel battery of assessment tools
Price history
Dec 15, 2022
Nov 18, 2022
Sep 7, 2022