LANGUAGE OF VISION is a timely, courageous book without parallel in its field. It deals with present-day problems of visual expression from a realistic and human point of view, and endeavors to escape from the narrow confines of the laboratory, preserving the closest possible contact with our experiences of every day life. It makes an extensive analysis of the structure and function of the graphic image in painting, photography and advertising design. It inquires deeply into the laws of visual organization and evaluates in contemporary terms the various representation devices conceived by artists of all ages such asâsize, vertical location, overlapping, transparency, perspective, interpenetration, light and color, movement, etc., etc. 318 illustrations supplement the text. There is a great variety of subject matter, techniques and media. They include photograms, photomontages and collages; analytical diagrams, typography, calligraphy and lettering; pre-historic art, paintings and drawings by children; significant work of the old masters and contemporary artists including Arp, Braque, Duchamp, Degas, Juan Gris, Helion, Klee, Kandinsky, Leger, Malevich, Matisse, Moholy-Nagy, Miro, Mondrian, Picasso, Seurat and many others. Advertising design by Bayer, Binder, Beall, Burtin, Cassandre, Carlu, Doesburg, Lissitzky, Man Ray, McKnight Kauffer, Sutnar, Tschichold, etc., etc. LANGUAGE OF VISION with its completely new concept of appraisal and revaluation is a book of vital importance to every one who feels the urgent need for a clearer understanding of the structure and function of art in our society.
Price history
Sep 14, 2022