REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION! "A must-read if you really want to understand the world we live in and where it's headed." â SEAN HANNITY "David Kupelian's The Snapping of the American Mind chronicles the decline and fall of America and shows that it is no accident, but rather a direct result of progressive misrule?an eye-opening, scary and galvanizing book." â DINESH D'SOUZA "David Kupelian has once again given us a must-read in these times of political turbulence and cultural insanity." â PAUL KENGOR AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL HAS BECOME AMERICA THE BIZARRE. Government promotes shockingly deranged policies while purposely turning citizens against each other, Christians are prosecuted as criminals, children "transition" to the opposite sex, crime skyrockets and 130 million Americans depend on mind-altering substances just to get through life. Turbocharged by the Obama presidency and continuing into the present day, long-coalescing forces of the political and cultural Left are bringing about their much-heralded "fundamental transformation of America." That much everyone knows. But this revolution is also causing a fundamental transformation of Americans in profoundly negative ways. In The Snapping of the American Mind, veteran journalist and bestselling author David Kupelian shows how the progressive Left which today dominates America's key institutions, from the news and entertainment media, to Big Tech, to education, to government itself is accomplishing much more than just enlarging government, redistributing wealth, and de-Christianizing the culture. With the Left's wild celebration of sexual anarchy, its intimidating culture of political correctness, and its incomprehension of the fundamental sacredness of human life, it is also, whether intentionally or not, promoting widespread dependency, debauchery, family breakdown, crime, corruption, addiction, despair, and suicide. Surveying this growing chaos in American society, Kupelian exposes both the utopian revolutionaries and their extraordinary methods that have turned America's most cherished values literally upside down to the point that madness is celebrated and normality demonized.
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Sep 21, 2022