Summary of Alan Weiss & Lisa Larter's Masterful Marketing

Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview: #1 People can have wants, but they also need things. The greater the need you can create, the more valuable your products and services. The closer the need is to a mere want, the less valuable you are. This concept is so important that I’m going to keep hammering on it as we move forward. This chapter is a vehicle to start getting you thinking about the difference between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ and how you can better position yourself in your marketplace. -> The more value you create by meeting a need that is close to a mere want, the more valuable your products and services become. #2 People have wants, but they also need things. The more value you create by meeting a need that is close to a mere want, the more valuable your products and services become. #3 People can’t choose you if they don’t know you exist, or if told of you they've never heard of you, or if when you're explained to them, you don’t impress. Prospects need to trust you. #4 People can't choose you if they don't know you exist, or if they've never heard of you, or if when you're explained to them, you don't impress. Prospects need to trust you.

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Sep 22, 2022
