Take Control of Your Smoking Habit

The best smoking cessation aid available...is smoking itself!Indeed the most effective way to combat nicotine deprivation is the drug’s most effective applicator – smoking! My method will teach you how to combine smoking with the conventional stop smoking aids, to smoke your way to becoming a non-smoker. Ludicrous as this claim may be, the merit of my method cannot be ignored.Indeed there may have been heavier smokers than my average 20 per day intake, although you would struggle to find a smoker that has had so many failed attempts to stop smoking. To say that I am vastly experienced in being, well, a failure, is no understatement nor insult. My failures have assisted me in the creation of the ultimate stop smoking method, culminating in my eventual and untimely success.All this through a combination of my meticulously conceived method, achieved through decades of trial and error, the positive power of suggestion, logic and illogic. The smoke screen nicotine addiction creates is dispelled, with all of the generically programmed excuses that keep us smoking addressed and waved away, removing the haze and allowing us to finally see the real demon in the retail.With all propaganda and guise removed, we are left with one question: Do you want to be a smoker? With the help of Donald Paton’s Take Control of Your Smoking Habit, we are left with one answer!

Price history

Oct 1, 2022

