The Poems of Wordsworth Vol 1

The Poems of William Wordsworth presents Wordsworth's verse in reading texts chosen from those offered in the twenty-one volumes of the Cornell Wordsworth. Here is the poetry in the form the poet gave it when first completed, either in its manuscript state or in a published book. Each volume includes Wordsworth's own notes published with his poems during his lifetime and a few editorial explanations where appropriate. The first volume includes his earliest work, composed while a school boy and during and after his time at university -- Adventures on Salisbury Plain, The Borderers, the two-part Prelude, The Ruined Cottage, and Home at Grasmere -- along with his publications between 1797 and 1807, namely *An Evening Walk, Descriptive Sketches, Lyrical Ballads, Peter Bell, and Poems, in Two Volumes.

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Oct 5, 2022
