Summary of Craig Canapari's It's Never Too Late to Sleep Train

Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview: #1 The Ten Commandments for Sleep Success are: 1. Your baby needs to be in a safe, dark, and cool place to sleep. 2. You need to establish a regular bedtime and morning routine, with a predictable wake-up time. 3. You need to put your baby to sleep on his or her back, in a crib that is free of hazardous items, with no mobile or other sleep-inducing device. 4. You must put the baby down awake and only pause feeding when he or she is calm. 5. It is critical that you poop, pee, and poop again at the same times every day. This is your baby’s cue that it is time for a bath and for you to go back to sleep. 6. You must avoid other stimulating activities throughout the day (other than feedings) until your baby is well rested. This means no reading, television, video games, or even talking on the phone—the list is endless! -> To help your child sleep, you must understand why your family is struggling. #2 What you need to know is that babies are like sponges, absorbing everything you do and feel. So if you have a bad sleep habit—or are inconsistent with your routine—it will affect your baby. One of the first things they do is put themselves to sleep! -> The Ten Commandments for Sleep Success are: Your baby needs to be in a safe, dark, and cool place to sleep, with a regular bedtime and waking time. You must put your baby down awake and only pause feeding when he or she is calm. #3 At six months, your baby will have a pattern of night sleeping and daytime waking, but not consistently. After four months, babies should be able to sleep through the night, but it may still take a few weeks before they get there. #4 Baby’s sleep is more similar to ours than it is different. Sleep in babies is divided into four stages, with a fifth stage that develops later. The most common stage is stage 1, which is when a baby passes from wakefulness to sleep.

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Oct 13, 2022
