Skye Maxwell is a prominent, savvy young scientist whose ingenuity is recognized and used for ill-gotten gains. Joined by those closest to her heart, they journey from the east coast to boldly trek through the fierce terrain of the Alaskan wilderness. International world destruction is set in motion by a psychopath, but as bonds deepen and love connections flourish, a family is willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice to save humanity and their loved ones. Greed and corruption fuel the elite and their ruthless associates. A series of threats are initiated after Skye's latest scientific breakthrough, inciting a response to the inhuman agenda. Dissecting the truth proves to be dangerous for Skye and her loved ones as truths unfold. Most military and government affiliations happily assist "the Five Stars"---five lifelong inner-city childhood friends--family and mentors of Skye. The readers become intent on helping the protagonist to free everyone from imminent danger. The characters will provoke thought and soften your heart. The main characters risk life and love as they courageously stand up against global devastation. Weather manipulations, coincidental tragedies, and abductions are divulged. Fragile bonds and animosity dominate and welcome power struggles and coverups. Skye is just as determined as the powers that be to have her own "vision" materialized. Can humanity be spared the fallout from the power of a few? Readers will relate to the characters as they envision extensions of themselves, appreciating life as they cascade through purgatory among the clouds.
Price history
Oct 21, 2022