Americans today are dying for want of freedom. Despite being told over and over again that they are free, the truth is that Americans have little freedom left. This is due to the rise of an oligarchy of technocrats who now rule our society in violation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These people are totalitarian technocrats. They seek complete control over individuals and therefore society under the guise of "public health and safety." Every freedom we are now denied, is denied to us for the sake of protecting us from ourselves and from our fellow Americans. We have recently reached what I believe will be the high-watermark of this technocracy - forced vaccination. I believe that if anything threatens the health of the American people, it is the evil agenda of these technocrats, whether they are pushing mask-wearing, vaccination, water-fluoridation, or even things as innocuous as hand washing. As much as it may surprise you to hear this from a doctor, my reasons for concern are based on an abundance of evidence and experience, and are shared by doctors and scientists all over the world. The time has come for Americans to reckon with the failures of their public health experts and institutions, and to proclaim themselves free from their destructive and divisive policies. In this book, I reveal the true causes of America's public health crisis and provides insight into how to regain our health as individuals and as a nation. - Leland Stillman, MD
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Oct 25, 2022