The prophet Elijah has seen enough. The reign of King Ahab has produced more evil in Israel than any king before him. Influenced by his foreign queen, Jezebel, Ahab has embraced the worship of Baal, which includes child sacrifice and the death of Yahweh's, the true God's, prophets. Taking upon himself the burden of cursing Ahab's rule, Elijah proclaims a drought and flees to the Kerith Ravine, where he considers his next move.The Troubler of Israel reimagines Elijah's life and times between his self-imposed exile east of the Jordan in Sidon to his last stand against four hundred priests of Baal. This one man's will against all odds proves to the nation of Israel that God Almighty is faithful and just to those who will call upon His name and seek his glory.
Price history
Oct 30, 2022