Several research instruments have been developed and standardised in India, but these have not been widely publicised. As a result, these instruments are not fully utilised. In the absence of information about instruments developed in a particular area, unnecessary efforts have been duplicated to develop instruments, instead of building on the previously standardised ones. The Handbook has been prepared to fulfil this important need. This Handbook first published in 1974 is divided into four parts: 1. Personality 2. Education 3. Organisational Behaviour 4. Social Phenomena Information regarding 218 instruments on Personality has been presented in this book and 37 of them have been reproduced here. There are 84 instruments in Education reported here and 22 of them have been reproduced. There are 53 in Organisational Behaviour reported in this book and of them 22 are reproduced, Information about 148 instruments on Social Phenomena are reported here of which 65 have been reproduced-Wfierever possible information isgivenabout the instruments and their availability and references where they could be located. This handbook is likely to be of use to researchers and trainers in Education, Psychology, Organisational Behaviour, Sociology, Extension, Social Work and other related social sciences. This and the second handbook is expected to be a complete and full resource on Social Science Instruments.
Price history
Nov 19, 2022