Media and Market Forces Challenges and Opportunities Proceedings of the Regional Seminars and the National Colloquium

The Handbook contains psychometric tools developed and adapted in India in four areas, namely, Personality, Education, Organisational Behaviour and Social Phenomena. Each area is further divided in four sections: - Instruments reproduced with full information; - Instruments with technical information only; - Citations, and - Adaptations. All the reported instruments are produced with details about author(s) name, availability, language(s), uses, level, main features, reliability, validity, time required for administering, norms and references on the instruments. The psychometric instruments developed in India during the period 1974-81 have been compiled in the Handbook which is designed to serve as resource material for scholars and investigators in the field of psychology, management, education and organisational behaviour.

Price history

Nov 19, 2022
