Todayâs plant lovers, food producers and agricultural planners, voices together to protect the plants from insects and diseases. Damages to the plants by insects are easily felt, but not realised fully. Every year, hundreds of people die of hunger. We can provide them with enough, food, if food crops are kept safe. Plant Protection continues to play a significant role in achieving targets of crop production. Major thrust areas of plant protection are promotion of integrated pest management, ensuring availability of safe and quality pesticides for sustaining crop production. It is essential to have the basic knowledge about the plant pathogens, different kinds of diseases caused by them to various crops and of course, the methods of controlling diseases to avoid enormous losses. This book is a serious endeavour in this direction. This Encyclopaedia in four volumes takes the stock of present state of art in plant protection. It caters to the need of knowledge hungry biologists, agriculturists, policy planners and specialists in the field of plant protection and of course the students, teachers and researchers.
Price history
Nov 19, 2022