Resource Development and Environmental Change

Poultry sector is presently at a crucial stage facing myriads of challenges that have to be tackled judiciously. The escalation in the demand for the poultry products like egg, meat and processed items has to be made resilient in terms of sustainable production system i.e. optimum feed utilization efficiency, biotic and abiotic stress owing to the variation in climate and environments perturbations, along with the health and management. Apart from above said issues that are of major importance and have to be dispensed meticulously, other underlying issues that has been largely ignored is the necessity of making poultry production remunerative for the poultry farmers. Book entitled 'New Horizons in Poultry Farming' is an edited book of basic concept of poultry production. Book chapters of poultry farming has been contributed by the various scholars and faculty members pertaining to various area of Nutrition, Physiology, Disease and Health, Housing, Management and Post-harvest Technology, Stress management, Environmental Hygiene, Welfare, Waste Utilization and Organic farming etc. This book is useful for PG, Ph.D. students, field Veterinarians as well as Faculty to refresh and upgrade their scientific knowledge of poultry farming.

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Nov 19, 2022
