The Encyclopaedia of Personnel Management comprise of three volumes and strives to meet the challenges happening in this fast changing world. It is specifically designed for instructors, teachers, university students' and practicing managers. This work requires no pre-requisite and assumes no particular area of concentration, yet provides a strong and solid foundation for anyone who wishes as to specializing organization and Personnel Management. Evidence-based H RD practice; Learning, Work and Human Resource Development; The Nature of Human Resource Sufi ply and Demand; Human Resources and the Capacity to Govern; Knowledge Management in H R D Pedagogical implications of Learning in HRD; There strategic Personnel Management in Small Business; and Post modernity and the Contemporary Workplace. "Theory of HRD" covers the subject matters of: HRD Practices in Small and Large Organizations; Problem-Solving and Decision Making; Theory of Strategic Planning; HRD: Philosophy, Process and Practice; Organizational Diagnosis and Consulting; HRD in international Arena; improving Leadership Qualities and Building Personal Relationships; Future of HRD Practices in lndia; Complexity and Diversity; and Corporate Social Responsibility in HRD. The unique features include an extremely accessible writing style, lucid presentation, cases exercises, issues, etc. The contemporary knowledge repertoire aims to fill the vacuum in the field of Organization and Personnel management.
Price history
Nov 22, 2022