Getting Back Up After The Death Of A Child

The door opened, and I was asked to come in. Walking as slow as I could possibly walk, I walked through the door and looked over at the large refrigerators for the deceased and saw one drawer opened. As I got closer, I could see my son's beard sticking out of the body bag. I froze, didn't and couldn't breathe, staring at my boy. Got closer and noticed he still had a breathing tube in his mouth, then I rubbed his cold face. He had such a peaceful look on his face, like he was relieved or at peace. Still in shock, I started talking to him but got no answer. I don't know how long I stayed in that room, but it felt like forever. I said my goodbyes, crying, weeping, "I love you forever, son," and then it hit me. "How am I going to tell my daughter?"

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Jan 6, 2023
