Geometric Programming for Design Equation Development and Cost/Profit Optimization (with illustrative case study problems and solutions), Third Editio

Geometric Programming is used for cost minimization, profit maximization, obtaining cost ratios, and the development of generalized design equations for the primal variables. The early pioneers of geometric programming—Zener, Duffin, Peterson, Beightler, Wilde, and Phillips—played important roles in its development. Five new case studies have been added to the third edition. There are five major sections: (1) Introduction, History and Theoretical Fundamentals; (2) Cost Minimization Applications with Zero Degrees of Difficulty; (3) Profit Maximization Applications with Zero Degrees of Difficulty; (4) Applications with Positive Degrees of Difficulty; and (5) Summary, Future Directions, and Geometric Programming Theses & Dissertations Titles. The various solution techniques presented are the constrained derivative approach, condensation of terms approach, dimensional analysis approach, and transformed dual approach. A primary goal of this work is to have readers develop more case studies and new solution techniques to further the application of geometric programming.

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Jan 15, 2023
