Mohave Tattooing and Face-Painting

Mohave Tattooing and Face-Painting covers in detail the tattooing and face-painting practices of the Indigenous Mohave/Mojave people of the Southwest USA. “THE Mohave Indians of the lower Colorado River, like most primitive peoples, are fond of personal adornment. Two favorite methods of self-embellishment are tattooing and painting. Men and women have marks tattooed on the chin and usually on the forehead as well. Both sexes, in addition, paint striking designs on the face, hair, and body. The use of tattooing relates the Mohave to the California tribes, most of whom practise this art. Facial painting, except for ceremonial occasions, is not highly developed in California. The Mohave, who paint regularly, show more of an affinity in this trait to the Southwest where painting is elaborate and frequent. On the contrary, few Southwest tribes tattoo. It is noteworthy that tattooing and non-ceremonial painting occur together among the Mohave, as these traits are often regarded as mutually exclusive.”-Introduction.

Price history

Jan 29, 2023
