What if every bit of happiness and love you desire was real for you? What if your pain could dissolve and your radiated, uncontrollably, joy? This book produces miracles. What if your life could really change? Read Patricia Evans' The Verbally Abusive Relationship? Felt it helped, but nothing changes, people are the same regardless of where you are or you are still distraught and exhausted over what happened before? We can have joy, confirmation, understanding, hope and radiate joy for ourselves and others, even where the tinniest amount of frustration existed before. Our patterns can dissolve and we can become and have something so much better. Blossom and Flourish where you saw pain before and you thought there was no way out before! Check out this book to see the miracles! This book will change your life if you let it! All you need is a belief in a higher power - an unconditional loving and full of goodness source. You mediate that you are in Heaven and speaking with this Higher Power. You ask to remove your unconscious beliefs that attract you to abuse and abusers, asking the all-knowing source of love and goodness to remove it. You begin an emotional process of emptying out Your unconscious negative beliefs and emotions and begin to feel new emotions. Suddenly, the things that bothered or hurt don't seem to bother you - it is not that they are not wrong things, it is just that you are full of other things. Watch the things you thought would never change, CHANGE. d that you are not stuck. See the miracles for yourself. All you need is the tiniest amount of faith. Miracles will abound! Your life could be that great!
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Feb 1, 2023