Stoneshard Steam Account

Stoneshard is a challenging turn-based RPG set in an open world. Experience the unforgiving life of a medieval mercenary: travel across the war-torn kingdom, fulfill contracts, fight, mend your wounds and develop your character without any restrictions. EXPLORE THE RAVAGED LANDS Open World War always leaves its mark: villages lie in ruins, dungeons are infested with monsters and old roads are abandoned. Travel across Aldor and learn more about its past. Economy The wartime economy is ruthless...

Price history

Oct 18, 2024
Oct 17, 2024
Oct 16, 2024
Oct 14, 2024
Oct 13, 2024
Oct 12, 2024
Oct 10, 2024
Oct 7, 2024
Oct 6, 2024
Oct 5, 2024

