War Hospital Steam Account

Be the ray of hope among the darkness of war. Manage a British WW1 field hospital in a 3D isometric RTS where you lead the medical corps instead of soldiers. Fight for life, soul, and humanity in a world that rejected them in a unique society survival game. Features A war-themed game focused on saving lives, not taking them Society survival that challenges tactics as well as morals Faithfully recreated setting of the French Front in WW1 Realistically depicted conditions of a British field hos...

Price history

Oct 18, 2024
Oct 17, 2024
Oct 14, 2024
Oct 13, 2024
Oct 12, 2024
Oct 10, 2024
Oct 7, 2024
Oct 6, 2024
Oct 5, 2024
Oct 4, 2024

