Members of Sex & the Supper Clubcordially invite you to a sneak previewof intimacies best shared among friends. When a gang of twentysomething women get together, men are always on the menu!Stripping school? Exhibitionism? Fetishes? All sexy, all topics forSabrina Pantolini's uncensored sex TV series. True Sex exploreswild secret sensual desires and will be her masterpiece. Friends atthe club agree that covering voyeurism, lap-dance lessons and X-rated toys-the more offbeat the better-will rock everyone'sworld. Including her own. Stef Costas is Sabrina's most dangerous decision yet. Bringinghim on board as director for the no-holds-barred project is likethrowing gasoline on a fire. Her once-sizzling affair with theenigmatic hunk burned them both. Badly. Now their relationshipis strictly business-unless, of course, the scorcher they're filmingturns into their reality, and the go-for-it producer goes for it, again....
Price history
Oct 25, 2021