Enter a magical realm of fantasy and adventure...a world of brave heroes, daring quests, and fabulous monsters! A sleepy village is thrown into a flurry when the local man-eating monster decides to pay a call in "The Griffin and the Minor Canon." A gentle beekeeper undertakes a dangerous journey to solve a sorcerer's mysterious riddle in "The Bee-man of Orn." Having angered the ruthless king of a faraway land, a young hero is forced to face the ultimate challenge...choose "The Lady, or the Tiger"? And re-enter the tiger's arena with "The Discourager of Hesitancy"--the rare and difficult continuation of "The Lady, or the Tiger"! These are but some of the timeless tales in this collection by a master American storyteller! At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.
Price history
Oct 25, 2021