The Complete Idiot's Guide to Medical Terminology

An understanding of medical terminology is the foundation on which careers in the exploding healthcare field are built. Knowing the Greek and Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes that are used to build the words that describe the human anatomy, conditions, and cures is the key that unlocks complex terminology for students. The Complete Idiot's Guide® to Medical Terminology shows readers how to decipher and internalize the essential terminology of medicine and gives them tools they can use over and over to pass their medical terminology courses and certification tests with flying colors. In this book, readers will find - A logical system for understanding how medical terms are put together, giving the building blocks for deciphering any term encountered.- An outline of each of the body's systems illustrated with quality diagrams and anatomical renderings to teach terms in context.- An explanation of the body's physiology and the terms that describe how the human body functions.- A primer on terms describing diseases, injuries, and conditions that are treated by doctors.- Outlines of terms related to the most common diagnostic tests and procedures.

Price history

Jul 21, 2022
Jul 9, 2022
Oct 25, 2021
