Schaum’s Outline of Thermodynamics for Engineers, 3rd Edition

More than 40 million sold in the Schaum's Outline series!This ideal review for the thousands of students who enroll in thermodynamics courses Thermodynamics for Engineers is intended to help engineering students in their understanding of the discipline in a more concise, ordered way than that used in standard textbooks, which are often filled with extraneous material never addressed in the classroom. This edition conforms to the more user-friendly, pragmatic approach now used in most classes. The outline provides practice sets to allow students to work through the theory they've learned. Material is organized by discrete topics such as gas cycles, vapor cycles, and refrigeration cycles. Practice tests simulate the quizzes and tests given in class. There are also 500 fully solved problems, as well as 180 questions of the type that appear on the engineers' qualifying exam.This new edition boasts problem-solving videos available online and embedded in the ebook version. 500 fully solved problems Problem-solving videos available online and embedded in the ebook version Chapter on refrigeration cycles Nomenclature reflects current usage Four sample tests for the engineering qualifying exam 180 exam-type questions similar to those used on the engineering qualifying exam Helpful material for the following courses: Thermodynamics; Engineering Thermodynamics; Principles of Thermodynamics; Fundamentals of Thermodynamics; Thermodynamics I & II

Price history

Oct 25, 2021
