Worn by his daughter Puck's appetite for macabre detail, John Ensted, Professor of Egyptology, is sceptical about their prospects of a peaceful holiday. but as they set off for Skoga, the small Swedish lakeside town, Puck and her husband,Edwin Bure, are in high spirits. However, the Professor's fears are soon justified. Thotmes III, the Professor's sacred white cat, is the first to discover the body of the young man behind the lilac bushes. Plunged into the victim'sheart is the Professor's Egyptian paper knife...but who is the man andwhy was he killed? Puck's insatiable curiosity leads her to make her own enquiries and soondiscovers that well kept secrets and ancient scandal smoulder beneath the surface of the idyllic town. When Christer Wick, well known Stockholm detective,arrives, the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place. NO MORE MURDERS is a crime fiction classic that helped inspire the new BBC4 drama Crimes of Passion.
Price history
Oct 25, 2021