Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Discover how technology can improve patient care -- and enhance every aspect of a nurseâs job performance, education, and career A Doody's Core Title for 2017! Written by leaders in nursing informatics, this comprehensive up-to-date text helps you understand how informatics can enhance every aspect of the nursing profession. This edition of Essentials of Nursing Informatics is highlighted by an outstanding team of international contributors and content that reflects the very latest concepts, technologies, policies, and required skills. Numerous case studies take the book beyond theory and add real-world relevance to the material. Essentials of Nursing Informatics is logically divided into ten sections edited by leading nurse informaticists: Nursing Informatics Technologies (Jacqueline Ann Moss) System Life Cycle (Virginia K. Saba) Informatics Theory Standards/Foundations of Nursing Informatics (Virginia K. Saba) Nursing Informatics Leadership (Kathleen Smith) Advanced Nursing Informatics in Practice (Gail E. Latimer) Nursing Informatics/Complex Applications (Kathleen A. McCormick) Educational Applications (Diane J. Skiba) Research Applications (Virginia K. Saba) Big Data Initiatives (Kathleen A. McCormick) International Perspectives (Susan K. Newbold) Essentials of Nursing Informatics is the best single resource for learning how technology can make the nursing experience as rewarding and successful as possible. New Feature! The 6th Edition introduces an online faculty resource to supplement classroom teaching, offering instructors PowerPoints with concise chapter outlines, learning objectives, key words, and explanatory illustrations and tables. To request Instructor PowerPoint slides: Visit and under the "Downloads and Resources tab," click "Request PowerPoint" to access the PowerPoint request form. Also, for the first time, a companion study guide for the 6th Edition is available separately from McGraw-Hill (Essentials of Nursing Informatics Study Guide/ISBN: 978-007-184-5892; edited by Julianne Brixey, Jack Brixey, Virginia K. Saba, and Kathleen A. McCormick), presenting teaching modules for all major chapters, with content outlines, teaching tips, class preparation ideas, review questions, answer explanations, and online PowerPoint slides to aid understanding and retention of all major concepts covered in Essentials of Nursing Informatics, 6th Edition.
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Oct 25, 2021