Develop confident students with our expert authors: their insight and guidance will ensure a thorough understanding of OCR A Level computer science, with challenging tasks and activities to test essential analytical and problem-solving skills. - Endorsed by OCR for use with the OCR AS and A Level Computer Science specification and written by a trusted and experienced author team, OCR Computer Science for A Level:- Endorsed by OCR for use with the OCR AS and A Level Computer Science specification and written by a trusted and experienced author team, OCR Computer Science for A Level:- Builds students' understanding of the core topics and computing skills required by the course units - Computing Systems, Algorithms and Problem Solving, and Programming Project - with detailed topic coverage, case studies and regular questions to measure understanding - Develops a problem-solving approach based on computational thinking required at both AS and A Level - thought-provoking practice questions at the end of each chapter gives opportunities to probe more deeply into key topics - Incorporates full coverage of the skills and knowledge demanded by the examined units, with exercises to help students understand the assessment objectives and advice and examples to support them through the practical element of the course.
Price history
Jan 31, 2023
Jan 30, 2023
Jan 24, 2023
Jan 23, 2023
Jan 17, 2023
Jan 16, 2023
Jan 10, 2023
Jan 9, 2023
Jan 3, 2023
Jan 2, 2023